1.the person, thing, people, or things that have been mentioned before in an earlier part of a piece of writing
1.A great deal of the credit expansion over the last two years had been funneled through the aforementioned LGFVs.
2.So it's vitally important that the aforementioned sweets are opened and ready to go. (1)Your packet of Polos should be completely opened.
3.The aforementioned distributed monitoring infrastructure has been used in an actual simulation platform.
4.You'll also be able to go back in time (with a slider) to watch all of the aforementioned data evolve.
5.Answer: For a core project (the aforementioned accounting system), a customized artifact would be the system itself.
6.Local governments, like the one presided over by the aforementioned governor, will have to be bailed out.
7.At the time of this article, none of the aforementioned widgets have been included in version 3 of YUI.
8.Few technical computer books have stood the test of time; the aforementioned Art of Computer Programming is one of the rare exceptions.
9.Maybe I'm being hopelessly naive, but I just cannot believe that the specific pricing leaks came from any of the aforementioned firms.
10.Such reservation shall specify those of the aforementioned provisions to which the reservation relates.